Saturday, January 30, 2010

mom journaling Jan 30, 2010

Saturday, Jan 30, 2010. We went to Sarah and LaRon's for Branson's 8th Birthday Party. We had Pizza, pop and birthday cake and ice cream. Branson is a fine young man and very nice and smart. He received a lot of nice gifts from everyone and Wells and Colleen, his other grandparents are always there to support and help. Branson received a lego kit and stayed right with it until he had put it all together. He is such a good boy and we are very proud of him.. Also it was fun to see Baxter and Bently. They have a nice family and we are very proud of them.
Sarah was preparing for her presentation as she was just called to the the Young Women's Camp Director. She thought of the theme: Bees. She has prepared handouts for her leaders tomorrow centered around Bees. Her main idea is that Bees need to get along to survive by working together and minding the Queen Bee. I am very impressed with Sarah....she has a natural gift for creativity. She has a strong determination and a strong testimony of the Gospel. She works hard as a mother, wife and professional. I know her YW Camp will be a big success.

On our way home from Sarah's we stopped at the Wayne Theatre and saw the movie, "Avatar". It was a very interesting movie and I interrupted it as the government was trying to destroy the people by taking over their lives; however the people banded together and found the government and prevailed. That is how it is going to be the America today. WE are not going to allow the our feedoms to be destroyed by liberals who want to take away our freedoms and enslave us with high taxes and control. Let's keep our high ideals and strong free enterprising spirit and we will keep American a free place where we can build up Zion.

! Becky !

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