Wednesday, January 27, 2010

mom journaling Jan 27, 2010

Hi Everyone...Another beautiful day here in Teasdale. As I look out my window I can see ***SNOW*** coming down and can't even see Boulder Mountain, Thousand Lake Mountain, or the beautiful little town of Teasdale, which I enjoy viewing from my upstairs bedroom window every day. This is a wonderful site as we need the snow and have been praying for it for so long! We depend on the water for our very salvation here on the ranch as our farms and cattle on the ranges need it to survive.
Today a friend and mentor died, Sammy Newton. He was 93 years old and was the Principal of Wayne High School when I attend WHS. He taught me Biology and we worked together in Student Government when I was WHS's Activity Manager. Also he was the Principal when I taught at Wayne High School. I will always remember the daily messages he would put in our mail box. The one that I enjoyed the most was, "The Master Teacher." Each page was filled with ideas about what the Master Teacher would do. It wasn't until years later when I was going through some of these papers that I realized what the message really was: THE MASTER TEACHER IS OUR SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST! Thank you, Mr. Newton, for giving me these messages which are so true. The Savior is Our Master Teacher and if only we would follow his teaching and examples, we would be so blessed and become more like him.
~ Becky ~

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