My name: Rebecca Morrell Pace
When I was about 10 years old, we were talking in Primary about our names and I had always heard that Rebecca was a family name and I was named after my father's sister, Rebecca Lyle , who died when she was 18 years of age from ruptured Appenticitis. I discussed my name with my parents that evening and discovered that my parents were going to name me 'Mitsy'. Then my father decided that sounded like a cat's name and so they started over again and thought passing down the family name of Rebecca would be a good thing. All I can say is ," Thanks, for naming me Rebecca and not Mitsy!!!!
I have always loved my name as Rebecca is both a Biblical name and a family name. I am actually the 5th generation of Rebecca's in the Morrell/Duncan family. I will do a little more research and then publish my blog again giving the history down through the generations of the name Rebecca.
My full name is Brooke Pace Blackburn. I was told I was named after Brooke Shields. Mom and Dad were watching TV one night and Brooke Shields was just becoming popular and they said they liked the name Brooke. The rest is history.

My name is Sarah Mae Pace Bagley. I was named after my great grandma pace. Her name was Sarah Francis Griggs Pace but most people called her Sade. My middle name came from my other great grandma Mae Coombs. I have always liked my name it is very old fashion, it is in the bible. Baxter B Bagley got his name because LaRon always said his first boy name would be Baxter the B is just B because three B sounds good and we couldn't agree on anything related to B. Branson got his name when I was pregent I was talking to grandma Becky about some B names and she said how about Branson like Branson missouri. I really liked it. Grandma Becky said don't tell LaRon that it was my idea or she wont' like it. So I never told him until after Branson was born. Bentley Mae Bagley. I was just thinking of some B names and we both liked Bentley and it stuck. Mae is from my middle name.
My full name is Allyson Pace Davis. According to Mom and Dad, they got the inspiration for my first name from a character in a night time soap opera that aired in the 1960's. The show was called Peyton Place(similar to Melrose Place), and there was a character named Alison. She was played by Mia Farrow, and according to Wikipedia she was "The quiet and smart daughter of Constance. She likes to spend her time reading books and usually befriends older people". I've never seen an episode. There are a lot of ways to spell my name and whenever I meet an Allyson my first question is "how do you spell it"? I had no middle name when I was growing up, so it was natural to take my maiden name as my middle name when I got married. I had debate over whether to keep my maiden name as my official last name as there are 5 girls in the family and nobody to carry on the Pace name, but in the end, I felt that I should be joined with Matt and that we should share the same name so our children wouldn't get confused.

O I like this question my name is Raquel Rebecca Pace Ross and I got this name from Raquel Welch she is a actress. Mom and Dad couldnt figure out a name mom wanted me to be named morrella and thank heavens she didnt and than when dad was looking through the news paper there was a article on Raquel Welch and I guess everyone liked that name so thats how it came about ha...and I have always loved it so thanks mom and dad and all my sisters cause I know they had a say in that!

1 comment:
thats crazy mom and dad a big influence from movie stars on what they should name us....but in the end all of our names fit us to a T.
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