Thursday, February 18, 2010
Who's the oldest Person you remember in your Family?
Becky-When I was very young, probably about four or five years old, I remember going to my grandmother Turner's house and seeing my great-grand mother Oldroyd there. I can barely remember seeing her and that is about all. She lived in Lyman and most of her eight children lived in Lyman as well. I remember they would go to her house every Sunday after Church which is located on west back street in Lyman (where Skip and Faun Jackson live now) and visit on the porch. The children would play in the big yard and the adults would 'gossip' or visit about the current events. I have often thought how lucky a mother would be to have their children living close by and be able to see them almost every day and visit with them all on Sunday afternoon. Those ole' timers were very lucky.
Brooke-The oldest person I remember in my family as a child was Grandma Coombs. When she lived alone in her home, as a little girl, I would take a walk to town and stop by and visit her. She was a very kind person who always had freshly baked cookies or cookies baking in the oven. The raisin filled cookies or sugar cookies with chocolate chips were her specialty. When she moved in with Bernice I remember her lying in her hospital bed which seemed like for a long time.
Brooke-The oldest person I remember in my family as a child was Grandma Coombs. When she lived alone in her home, as a little girl, I would take a walk to town and stop by and visit her. She was a very kind person who always had freshly baked cookies or cookies baking in the oven. The raisin filled cookies or sugar cookies with chocolate chips were her specialty. When she moved in with Bernice I remember her lying in her hospital bed which seemed like for a long time.
Sarah-I think I remember Great Grandpa Turner, but maybe I just have pictures of him. I remember Great Grandma Coombs. I remember when I was young I would go to her house and visit. Great Grandma would always have little snickers candy bars in her drawer and she would give me one. I loved her house when I was young. I remember her living at Aunt Bernice house and going there and having her be in bed. I stayed there with Grandma Pace one night and Grandma would have to get up in the night and check on her.
Collette- Grandma Great was the oldest person I remember. I have a small memory of her living in her house but mostly I remember her at Aunt Bernice's. Like everyone else I remember going to Aunt Bernice's house and getting some candy. She used to give money if you stayed and visited. I don't remember her stories she use to tell but I do remember her getting out her purse and giving us some change and then we'd head to the Teasdale Store for some treats. I remember when everyone, except me of course, wanted to go ride horses on Sunday, mom would remind them that Grandma Great was opposed to riding on Sunday because the Devil would cause something bad to happen.
Allyson-I assume that all of us except for Raquel are going to talk about Great Grandma Coombs. I knew her as "Granma Grape," and I thought that was her name because she had a lot of wrinkles like a dried up grape. I was very small when she died(I think I was about 5 years old), but I do have a few memories of her. I remember that she lived at Aunt Bernice's house. Ani and I would go and visit her and she would give us a silver dollar. She was usually laying in the bed in the guest bedroom. I think I have vague memories of those sucking candies also, but I could be confusing her with Aunt Bernice. I remember that I was playing outside next to the burning barrel when Brooke told me that she died. I couldn't believe that it was true. Her funeral was the first funeral I ever went to.
Raquel- The oldest memory I have of family member is helping all of my sisters clean aunt Ferns house and I remember aunt larie house once and it always had a weird smell which I didnt like and her round table which I thought was so cool. I remember aunt Bernice and I always loved her and her candies and I remember I was making a quilt for some one when I was a junior and we were trying to figure out the math on how big the quilt would be and her and grandma added everything up in their heads like it was nothing and at the time I was in calculus and I thought they must be really smart to just get those fugures off the top of there head and they are in their 80's and 90's ever since than I wanted to have than much knowledge.
Collette- Grandma Great was the oldest person I remember. I have a small memory of her living in her house but mostly I remember her at Aunt Bernice's. Like everyone else I remember going to Aunt Bernice's house and getting some candy. She used to give money if you stayed and visited. I don't remember her stories she use to tell but I do remember her getting out her purse and giving us some change and then we'd head to the Teasdale Store for some treats. I remember when everyone, except me of course, wanted to go ride horses on Sunday, mom would remind them that Grandma Great was opposed to riding on Sunday because the Devil would cause something bad to happen.
Allyson-I assume that all of us except for Raquel are going to talk about Great Grandma Coombs. I knew her as "Granma Grape," and I thought that was her name because she had a lot of wrinkles like a dried up grape. I was very small when she died(I think I was about 5 years old), but I do have a few memories of her. I remember that she lived at Aunt Bernice's house. Ani and I would go and visit her and she would give us a silver dollar. She was usually laying in the bed in the guest bedroom. I think I have vague memories of those sucking candies also, but I could be confusing her with Aunt Bernice. I remember that I was playing outside next to the burning barrel when Brooke told me that she died. I couldn't believe that it was true. Her funeral was the first funeral I ever went to.
Raquel- The oldest memory I have of family member is helping all of my sisters clean aunt Ferns house and I remember aunt larie house once and it always had a weird smell which I didnt like and her round table which I thought was so cool. I remember aunt Bernice and I always loved her and her candies and I remember I was making a quilt for some one when I was a junior and we were trying to figure out the math on how big the quilt would be and her and grandma added everything up in their heads like it was nothing and at the time I was in calculus and I thought they must be really smart to just get those fugures off the top of there head and they are in their 80's and 90's ever since than I wanted to have than much knowledge.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
California here we come..
I am in St. George right now getting ready to go to bed and then getting up and leaving here in the morning, Feb 11, 2010 at 6 am and heading to Seal Beach, California to visit Allyson and Matt. This is our first trip down to California to see them so we are really looking forward to visiting with them and having a good time. Will Continue later........
Monday, February 08, 2010
Monday Memories: "Nicknames"
Brooke- When I was quite little I did have a nickname. I was told that my nickname was Pebbles from the Flintstones. Kathryn Black named me that because I always had my hair like Pebbles did in the cartoons. (I think) As for any other nicknames; In my younger years I was called Brooke Trout, just from having the name Brooke. I don't remember any other nicknames...
Sarah- No I never have had a nickname I have always been know as Sarah. LaRon nick name is Beaver because people think he looks like Joe Beaver the calf roper. My kids don't have nicknames sometime we might shorten their names.
Collette- When Dad was in his playful mood he used to call me "Toyetty" The Leatherwoods overheard this once and turned it into Toliet. I really despised them when they would call me that name and I think Mom finally told them to stop calling me it. For a while in High School a few people called me "Eller" after I played the part of Aunt Eller in the school musical Oklahoma. Other than that I really didn't have any other nicknames until I started dating Bart. One day he started calling me "Letty" and hasn't stopped. My most recent Nickname is from Emily. Instead of calling me mom she prefers Colletty. Emily is often called Em or Emi, Allyson started calling Emily "Emsabob" when she was a baby and others have adopted it as well. I sometimes call Jane "Janaroo" and Emily likes to call her Janie. Bart well he has always just been Bart.
Allyson- I've had a lot of nicknames. Growing up, everybody called me Allyson, Allzo, or AAoowwwllll(yelling). Once at about that age of 6 years old, I spilled fingernail polish on Brooke's floor. Nobody messes with Brooke's room. Collette caught me and said, "Oh Allyson, you are History!!!". After that for about 2 years, my nickname was History. Since Ani and I were inseparable, her nickname became sidekick. When I went to college, I decided to change my name to Ally. I'm pretty sure that I never actually introduced myself as Ally, but I signed up for a new email address allypace@stanford.edu and so everyone started to use the new nickname. I still don't know what to introduce myself as. Matt once called me Junior Mint for a few mints after I sat on a few junior mint's which stuck to my butt in the car. Since then, he has had a lot of nicknames for me with the most recently Allzo Allsnarf, Allsnarfblattinzozabob, and Allzabob. Now, most people call me Ally or Dr. Davis.
Raquel- My nickname i have had growing up has been Racket. I used to hate it but now I kind of like it. They called me that because I always made to much noise and racket. Some people still call me that but as for a nick name as I am older I don't really have one Racket sums it all up!
Monday Memories: Hey what's your name?
What is your full name, where you named after someone or how did you receive that name?
My name: Rebecca Morrell Pace
When I was about 10 years old, we were talking in Primary about our names and I had always heard that Rebecca was a family name and I was named after my father's sister, Rebecca Lyle , who died when she was 18 years of age from ruptured Appenticitis. I discussed my name with my parents that evening and discovered that my parents were going to name me 'Mitsy'. Then my father decided that sounded like a cat's name and so they started over again and thought passing down the family name of Rebecca would be a good thing. All I can say is ," Thanks, for naming me Rebecca and not Mitsy!!!!
I have always loved my name as Rebecca is both a Biblical name and a family name. I am actually the 5th generation of Rebecca's in the Morrell/Duncan family. I will do a little more research and then publish my blog again giving the history down through the generations of the name Rebecca.
Mom and Dad had a hard time coming up with a name for me after my birth. Mom told me that they tracked down a name book in the hospital to help. Mom looked through the book by herself and saw the name Collette and liked it but didn't say anything to Dad about it. Later Dad, looking through the book , came across my name and mentioned it to Mom. I think it was inspiration that caused them both to come across the same name. Growing up I thought my name was too different and wished I could have a name like Amanda just to fit in. Now I love the name for that exact reason and feel very unique. Emily Richards name was decided while Bart and I were engaged. Bart told me he has always liked that name for a girl and I liked it because it is a family name on the Morrell side. I have always wanted to name a child after Grandma LaWana Jane Morrell. The plan was to name our first girl Emily Jane. Not even a week before Emily was born I was watching the movie Pride and Prejudice and realized I really liked the name Jane to stand alone. Luckily Bart liked that idea as well and we decided then that our next girl would be named Jane. So Jane Richards is named after her Great Grandma Lawana "Jane" Morrell.
My name: Rebecca Morrell Pace
When I was about 10 years old, we were talking in Primary about our names and I had always heard that Rebecca was a family name and I was named after my father's sister, Rebecca Lyle , who died when she was 18 years of age from ruptured Appenticitis. I discussed my name with my parents that evening and discovered that my parents were going to name me 'Mitsy'. Then my father decided that sounded like a cat's name and so they started over again and thought passing down the family name of Rebecca would be a good thing. All I can say is ," Thanks, for naming me Rebecca and not Mitsy!!!!
I have always loved my name as Rebecca is both a Biblical name and a family name. I am actually the 5th generation of Rebecca's in the Morrell/Duncan family. I will do a little more research and then publish my blog again giving the history down through the generations of the name Rebecca.
My full name is Brooke Pace Blackburn. I was told I was named after Brooke Shields. Mom and Dad were watching TV one night and Brooke Shields was just becoming popular and they said they liked the name Brooke. The rest is history.

My name is Sarah Mae Pace Bagley. I was named after my great grandma pace. Her name was Sarah Francis Griggs Pace but most people called her Sade. My middle name came from my other great grandma Mae Coombs. I have always liked my name it is very old fashion, it is in the bible. Baxter B Bagley got his name because LaRon always said his first boy name would be Baxter the B is just B because three B sounds good and we couldn't agree on anything related to B. Branson got his name when I was pregent I was talking to grandma Becky about some B names and she said how about Branson like Branson missouri. I really liked it. Grandma Becky said don't tell LaRon that it was my idea or she wont' like it. So I never told him until after Branson was born. Bentley Mae Bagley. I was just thinking of some B names and we both liked Bentley and it stuck. Mae is from my middle name.
My full name is Allyson Pace Davis. According to Mom and Dad, they got the inspiration for my first name from a character in a night time soap opera that aired in the 1960's. The show was called Peyton Place(similar to Melrose Place), and there was a character named Alison. She was played by Mia Farrow, and according to Wikipedia she was "The quiet and smart daughter of Constance. She likes to spend her time reading books and usually befriends older people". I've never seen an episode. There are a lot of ways to spell my name and whenever I meet an Allyson my first question is "how do you spell it"? I had no middle name when I was growing up, so it was natural to take my maiden name as my middle name when I got married. I had debate over whether to keep my maiden name as my official last name as there are 5 girls in the family and nobody to carry on the Pace name, but in the end, I felt that I should be joined with Matt and that we should share the same name so our children wouldn't get confused.

O I like this question my name is Raquel Rebecca Pace Ross and I got this name from Raquel Welch she is a actress. Mom and Dad couldnt figure out a name mom wanted me to be named morrella and thank heavens she didnt and than when dad was looking through the news paper there was a article on Raquel Welch and I guess everyone liked that name so thats how it came about ha...and I have always loved it so thanks mom and dad and all my sisters cause I know they had a say in that!

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