Monday, March 14, 2011

What did you wear to school?

Brooke- When I was very young in Elementary School I wore homemade clothes. I remember mom sitting at the sewing machine with very colorful fabric sewing my clothes. I don't remember anything specific only that they were homemade. As I grew older in the Elementary School I remember getting a pair of maroon/red nickers. I loved those pants. I probably wore them 4 days a week.
When Middle School came around I was becoming more stylish; and the styles were more important to everyone. One summer right before school started, mom had to go to Salt Lake to some classes. I went with her and sat through her class all day long.( it was pretty boring) She then took me school shopping to NORDSTROMS. She bought me a lot of clothes. REALLY cute clothes. One of the pairs of jeans were GUESS, with a jacket to match. I had the wardrobe that everyone envied. A few years later of course GUESS was the hot brand to buy. I always liked to say I was the first one in Wayne County with a pair of GUESS jeans..
When High School started, the popular trend was the Wrangler jeans and Roper boots. It seemed like the more colors of Wrangler pants and the more colors of Roper boots you had, the more popular you were. I did have a lot of different colors of Wrangler's and quite a few colors of boots. I still have some of those bright colored pants, that of course don't fit me anymore; but my kids sure like to look at them and laugh that I actually wore them.
Sarah-When I was in grade school I remember wearing wrangler and a western shirt. I had many different colors of wranglers and boots. In third or forth grade I had a pair of red boots that had a heal on them and some fancy styling in the side. Some of the boys would chase me around at P.E or recess and say that I had red nigger boots on. I would get so mad, I liked these boots a lot. In High School I still wore Wranglers but I also had some lucky jeans and didn't wear boots as much. I wore nice clothes and I liked to wear Nikes to school they were more comfortable. I figure I was always in style and never lacked for having clothes. Mom always made sure we never looked out of style and liked us to look nice. I remember her saying you always want to look just a little better then the next person. If our clothes were faded she didn't like us to wear them. I still can hear her sometimes as I am getting ready for work or church "you always need to look sharp". Thanks mom for the reminder.

Collette-I remember a few outfits I wore to school. The first was in Fourth Grade. I had a pair of turquoise polyesters. If that's not embarrassing enough I actually thought they were great because Mrs Chappell my teacher had the same pair. Man was I a nerd. I also remember this gray and white stripped jumper dress that I paired with these stir up leggings. In middle school over sized shirts were in style. One day Brooke left early for school so I snuck into her room and borrowed one of these "one size fits all" shirts that said ENUF on it and wore it to school. As I was walking home from the bus I kept my coat zipped all the way up, even thought it was a hot September day, just so if Brooke happened to see me she would not see the shirt. Well I made it home, opened the door and the first thing Brooke said to me was show me your shirt. There was no escaping the wrath of Brooke then and boy did she lay into me about stealing her shirt.

Raquel- I would usually wear jeans and a cute top with high hills. I always would buy pants long, I hate when my jeans are barely over my ankles. I would go school clothes shopping in August and those clothes would last me the whole year.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Were you ever given any special awards for your studies or school activities?

Brooke-There's only a few rewards I can remember getting as a child. The first one is the Physical Fitness Award in Elementary School. I got that every year that the school did it, and I always looked forward to getting it each year.
The other reward I remember was either the Farm Bureau Essay Contest or the Reflections Essay Contest. I don't remember which one it was, but my friend Wendy always won every year and I didn't even want to try. Mom coaxed me into doing it and she practically did the essay for me. I did win that year thanks to the professionalism and maturity of a mother who knew what the judges were looking for. I didn't care about winning though, I was just glad Wendy didn't win that one....

Sarah-I didn't receive many awards. I always liked going to school and enjoyed the social part of it. In Second grade I got first place for a poem I wrote. I still remember it. "There once was a horse that lives in a corral and every time I looked at him he always swished his tail. In High School I received the award for the most friendly in my class. I still like to be around good people.

Collette- There were two awards I received in school that meant a great deal to me. The first was in 2nd grade. The forest service had some art contest. I've never been good at drawing but I loved coloring. I remember entering the contest without a lot of hope knowing one of the Peterson boys who were really good artists would win. When they announced my name at an assembly with the whole school I was so shocked yet incredibly proud. Looking back I'm pretty sure I won because my entry was the only one colored amongst a bunch of penciled drawings and not because I had or have any artistic talent.
The other award I received was the State Impromptu Champion. I didn't do so well at Region, I was so incredibly tired from staying up all night the night before, and barely made it to State. I was really nervous to participate in the State Championship. In fact the night before I was a party pooper and just went to bed instead of sneaking out of the motel with everyone else. I guess I was smart enough to have learned from Region that I'm useless when I'm tired. I still remember the final round question was something about being a friend and in the 30 seconds I had to prepare for a 3 minute speech it was as if by revelation it came to me to use the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme and analyze why Humpty fell of the wall (I used log instead of wall on accident but apparently the judges didn't notice). I concluded the nursery rhyme would have ended differently if Humpty had better friends who would have helped him stay on the wall. I think the highlight of winning the award was the next morning Dad woke me up bright and early and asked me how I did? Oh how I wish I could go back and reexperience the shock I placed on Dad when I told him I placed first at State.

Allyson- I started receiving awards early in my school career. Starting in middle school, every "awards ceremony" at the end of the year was spent with me getting award after award for high scores in almost every class. It was actually really embarrassing. I think my fellow classmates got pretty sick of me that day. That same day everyone would write in each other's yearbooks and everyone would comment, "you're so smart, have a good summer." I liked doing well, but didn't really like awards day very much. My very favorite award in high school was for the high score in Driver's Ed. I had taken the class at the beginning of the year, got my license, and by the time of awards day, I've already run over a cow, totaled my mom's car, and gotten at least 4 speeding tickets/warnings. I'm a much better driver now, although I still have a lead foot.