Monday, September 27, 2010

What was your favorite and least favorite subjects in school?

Brooke-My favorite subjects in school was PE and Math. When I was in about 2nd or 3rd grade, there was a rope that hung from the ceiling in the old gym. I was the only girl to climb the rope and touch the ceiling which was about 30 feet high. I liked to play kick ball and run races. I was very competitive and wanted to beat the best players. I received the Physical Fitness Award every year through Elementary.
Math was also a favorite subject. I remember going home and doing lost of math problems out of the math books each night and liking it. If there wasn't math homework to do I would ask the teacher for homework. The teacher would always comment on how neat my work was.
My least favorite subject was science. I had a hard time really getting involved in any kind of science. It bored me and still bores me to this day.

Sarah-My favorite subject in school was P.E. I always liked P.E. In middle school we had the coolest teacher Mrs. Tolbert we all learned to play tennis and play on the scooters. I loved playing flag football and even liked to run up around Bicknell for cross country. I wish I could say that math was my favorite subject but it isn't. Math is a hard subject for me. I think I just liked the outdoors.

Collette- My favorite subject in school was psychology. I love learning about human behavior and wanted to major in psychology until I had a crazy roommate my freshman year of college. It's much easier to learn about behavior than to change someone's behavior. My least favorite subject in school was anything to do with big art projects. I hated building things and now realize I lack spatial skills and because I'm a perfectionist if I couldn't get the glue to stick right or look perfect it drove me crazy. Let's just say I'm not at all looking forward to helping my kids with these kind of projects.

Allyson-This is rather difficult since I've been in school for what seems like my whole life. My least favorite subject ever would probably have to be physics. Maybe I just never had the right background or teacher, but I did not enjoy any of the physics classes that I took. My favorite class was probably P.E. class. I loved playing all the games and getting exercise. The only bad thing about P.E. was running the mile. I really hated running the mile. I also really loved organic chemistry(the only class at Stanford where I kicked everybody's trash without trying too hard!).

Monday, September 20, 2010

Who was your favorite Teacher?

Brooke-My favorite teacher in school was Mr. Chappell. He was my 3rd grade teacher. He was always happy and cheerful. I remember two things in his class; The first thing was he let me pull the teeth of my classmates when they had loose teeth. The second thing was, he would play kickball with the class and he could kick the kick ball over the Elementary School which was soooo cool.

Sarah-My favorite teacher was Mrs. Bobo in third grade. She always made school fun. I remember learning my times tables in third grade. We did a lot of fun science projects. I also liked Mrs. Chappell in Fourth grade. We made some really cool Utah History books and I still have mine. I thinks those were my favorite teachers.

Collette- I had two favorite teachers. In third grade I adored Mrs. Bobo. She always smelled really good with her perfume and a hint of coffee on her breath. She was one of the few teachers who thought I was funny. I remember once I had some markers that were dried up but I discovered if you licked them the color would return for a little while. When Mrs. Bobo saw me with my mouth covered like a rainbow it was the only time she got mad at me. I felt so bad because I never wanted to disappoint her. Mrs. Chappell was the kindest teacher I had. Back in the day when I let mom dress me I wore a pair of turquoise polyesters that were exactly like Mrs Chappells and I thought that was so cool. What a nerd I was. One morning when dad accidentally ran over one of patches kittens on the way to school and then sent me off on the bus heartbroken I walked into her class crying and she took me out in the hall and ask me why I was crying. I told her all about my kitten dying and she sat there and cried with me for a few minutes. That has always meant a lot to me.

Allyson-I think my favorite teacher was Mr. Gubler. He was the high school math teacher that started when I was a sophomore in high school. Before him, I had a long list of pretty sad math teachers. I think Mr. Gubler was a good math teacher because he had very high expectations. He was very strict in his class, but truly loved math and wanted you to understand what was going on. He was always available for after hours homework tutoring. He was the biggest nerd, but I think had such a passion for math that he made it fun for the class. Calculus was the only class at Stanford that I was prepared for.

Monday, September 13, 2010

How did you get to school?

Mom- I lived just a couple of blocks from Bicknell Elementary so I walked to school every day. I even walked home for lunch and back. I remember mostly running. Then when I started 7th grade at Wayne High School, I also walked to school, even though it was further away, probably about four blocks away. It seemed much further than that because it was mostly up hill. When I was in the 9th grade, I obtained a job working for a teacher LaVoy Tolbert. My job was from 7:30 - 8:30 am and my neighbor Adonna Johnson worked as a school lunch worker, so she would stop and pick me up each morning. She didn't drive, but her husband Burt Johnson drove us both to work each morning.
When I reached 16 years of age and obtained my driver's license, I wasn't allowed to drive the family car. It was the only car we had and my mother needed it during the day for errands. I can remember one time that I was allowed to take the car to school and drive it to a baseball game up to the ball diamond. It was located where the Bicknell (Thurber Ward) Church is now. I felt so special driving the car....but it was only that one time.
Yes, we walked everywhere we went and thought nothing of it. Sometimes we rode our bicycles but we relied on our own selves to go from place to place. Those were the good ole' days and everyone was healthy and strong.

Brooke-When I was younger and maybe in 1st or 2nd grade, I remember walking down the road to the bus each and every morning after a full breakfast of bacon and scrambled eggs or pancakes. As more sisters grew to school age, life became more hectic in the mornings. Dad would then drive us to the end of the road to catch the bus. Usually he was going about 60mph on the washboardy dirt road after a fast breakfast of cereal or mush. If we were later than the bus he would then drive us to the last stop in Teasdale near the Williams' house. There were many times that Sarah would get on the bus and realize she forgot to brush her hair that morning and had to go all day long in school with bed head.

Sarah-My Dad usually drove us to the bus stop. We would ride the bus to the High School and then get on a different bus that would that us to the Elementary School in Loa. I remember chasing the bus in to town to catch it at the last bus stop. I think we chased the bus more than catching it at our bus stop. I think the bus ride was about 35-45 min. I never seemed to dis like riding the bus.

Collette- The bus picked us up at the end of our dirt road. I remember squeezing in Dad's pick up truck with dad. It was always really tight and I hated being the one that had to sit on a lap and have your face practically in the windshield. I have a memory of being with dad in his pick up truck on a cold winter day as dad was going back and forth breaking up the snow drifts. I thought it was so much fun. We also would sometimes drive the four wheeler down to the end of the road and leave it parked there. It was always a treat at the end of the day to see the 4 wheeler and realize I didn't have to walk home.


Raquel- I would ride the four wheeler down to the bus Allyson made a specific spot off the side of the road to park the four wheeler.. When i didnt ride the four wheeler mom would take me down in the mornings cause I seemes to always be late for the bus and then I would walk home.. If i was lucky in middle school mom would let me drive the car down and park till I was 16 and could drive my self... I remember one time Mom dropped me off at the bus and we were in a hurry and I jumped out and my fingers got stuck in the door and she started to drive I was screaming and finally she stopped and realized! It was very tramuatic. I made the bus just leave becasue I was in so much pain!